Recognizing Anxiety - The First Step to Overcoming Anxiety in Your Life

treating anxiety using behavior therapy can be tailored to the individual set. There are several approaches available, but there is no one correct approach in the treatment of anxiety. Therapists typically use a combination pristupa.Bolesnika with anxiety disorders is primarily treated as an outpatient. He / she should be admitted to hospital for treatment unless it is a serious problem that needs to be hospitalized under constant supervision.

anxiety treatment Use of Behavior Therapy

the goal of behavioral therapy to change and take control of undesirable ponaĊĦanje.Terapeut helps patients learn how to deal with different situations through controlled exposure to such situations. Techniques used in the treatment of anxiety as exposure therapy, behavioral activation, modeling, and continuous progress feedback.

In exposure therapy, the patient is exposed to the shocking experience of the real situation and imagine a version of the experience while in a relaxed state. Therefore, the patient begins to associate such a traumatic experience for a relaxed state that he / she is in that it allows clearer thinking and better decisions making.The old traumatic experience is then replaced with new associations that can help in treating anxiety.

behavioral activation, a list of activities that the patient has or needs to be involved in, for them to have a satisfactory and normal life, preparing terapeut.Pacijent will then go through a list organized manner. This may help in treating anxiety, because the patient is exposed to the rewards of each activity.

Modeling involves the patient seeing the other person wanted to perform the behavior. Once the patient sees that the behavior is performed does not meet any adverse consequences, the therapist can now encourage and guide patients to copy a successful performance. The bio-feedback, bodily functions such as heart rate and muscle tension can be controlled, and expressed to the patient so that he / she can better control the action to cause such bodily functions.

Bio-feedback can be used to treat anxiety and this technique makes the patient aware of his / her body's response to a stimulus. With behavioral therapy, a person who is actively involved in obtaining recovery skills that will be useful in his / her life. However, on May take time to achieve the desired results because it can take a series of lengthy consultation with a therapist stretching over many months-even years in some cases.

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